Call for Services
The first EU-PolarNet 2 Call for Services is now closed!
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This first Call for Services asks to formulate activities related to research needs 4 and 6 of the European Polar Research Programme:
- 1. Better understanding of climate change in the Polar Regions and its links to lower latitudes
- 2. Informed weather and climate action
- 3. Resilient socio-ecological systems
- 4. Prospering communities in the Arctic
- 5. Challenges and Opportunities for Polar Operations
- 6. Inclusive creation, access and usage of know ledge
The Call for Services offers financial support of up to 15.000 € to cover expenses necessary for successfully implementing the proposed activities.
Applications are welcome from European researchers and/or stake- and rightholders. Early-career and female applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Check for the full eligibility criteria, funding conditions and submission guidelines here:
- Download the application form here:
Applications must be received by 30th of September 2021 – 14:00 CEST.