Polar Expert Group
One of the main activities of EU-PolarNet 2 is represented by the Research Prioritisation process (WP3), within which a Polar Expert Group (PEG) has been established. The PEG tool is fundamental for prioritising research themes and formulate initial research actions to be carried out in the future.
From this large PEG group, the EU-PolarNet 2 Executive Board nominated the Executive Polar Expert Group (ExPEG). The ExPEG is intensively involved in the research prioritisation task.
The chairs of the ExPEG are:
- Professor Pauline Snoeijs Leijonmalm – Stockholm University
- Dr. Giovanni Macelloni – Institute for applied physics of the CNR
EU-PolarNet 2 Executive Polar Expert Group
Polar Climate Systems

Femke De Jong
Markus Rex

Lars Henrik Smedsrud

Florence Colleoni

Søren Rysgaard

Julienne Stroeve

Giovanni Macelloni
Jari Haapala

Gonçalo Vieira
Palaeoclimate and Palaeoenvironment
Carlota Escutia
Polar Biology, Ecology and Biodiversity

Pauline Snoeijs

Danis Bruno
Jørgen Berge

José Xavier
Human impacts

Kees Bastmeijer
Anne Merrild

Atilla Yilmaz
Solid earth and its interactions

Vera Schlindwein

Laura Crispini
Sustainable management of resources
Maria Fossheim
Agnieszka Kruszewska
Olivier Thebaud
People, Societies and Cultures

Rauna Kuokkanen
Christian Koch Madsen
Human health and Wellbeing

Birgitta Evengård

Nathalie Pattyn
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space
Eija Tanskanen
New Technologies
Maarja Kruusmaa
Mike Rose