Policy Advice, Dissemination and Communication (WP5)
- D5.1 Implementation of the EU-PolarNet 2 website
- D5.10 Evaluation report on EU-PolarNet 2´s contribution to policymaking processes
- D5.2 EU-PolarNet 2 communication package
- D5.3 Implementation of a PAB incl. terms of reference, mandate and scope of the board
- D5.4 First progress report on dissemination activities
- D5.5 First synthesis report on the performed policy advice
- D5.6 Second progress report on dissemination activities
- D5.7 Second synthesis report on the performed policy advice
- D5.8 Third progress reports on dissemination activitiesD5.8
- D5.9 Organisation and minutes of a Town hall meeting in Brussels