Newsletter EU-PolarNet 1
February 2018
The EU-PolarNet consortium has had some busy first weeks of the year: working together with our external experts on refining the polar white papers, interacting with stakeholders on sea ice prediction matters, gearing up for our second reporting period and developing ideas for sessions and side events for various polar conferences. Get the full image of our activities below…
- What sea ice forecasts are needed?
The Arctic sea ice prediction community has advanced rapidly in the past decade, developing many new sea ice forecast products and services that are targeted for different user groups. However, it is still unclear how (well) these users integrate the available products and services into their planning. There is thus a need to engage with a broad range of Arctic stakeholders, in order to understand how new products and services should be tailored towards user-specific requirements. This is what we did with our cooperation partners at this year’s Arctic Frontiers.
- Looking for your abstracts
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the UArctic Congress session 5.12: ‘Connecting polar research, policy and stakeholders across scales – examples from Europe and beyond’, which the European Polar Board and EU-PolarNet are co-convening. The deadline for abstract submissions is 16:00 CET, 16th March 2018. Full details of the session, and information for submissions, can be found on the UArctic Congress website.
- An introduction to the Swiss Polar Institute
The Swiss Polar Institute is our newest cooperation partner. A good opportunity to ask its team to present this newly established institute and its ambitions to us. Learn more about the Swiss Polar Institute here.
- Report in Stakeholder Workshop: Cryosphere and Adaptation
AMAP and EU-PolarNet organised a stakeholder workshop on Research Needs on Climate-related Effects on the Arctic Cryosphere and Adaptation Options at the International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action. The report is online.
- Report on COP23 Side Event: The Arctic and SIDS
This COP23 event linked climate driven changes in the Arctic and Small Island States and showcased why the international community must increase the ambition of mitigation and adaptation efforts. An event report is online.
- Report on breakout session: A catalyst for cooperation
EU-PolarNet, the EPB and INTERACT organised an interactive breakout session at the Arctic Circle 2018 on how science can act as catalyst for cooperation. A summary of discussions is available online.
- Report on COP23 Side Event: Polar insights for climate action
This EU Arctic Cluster event at COP23 provided policy-relevant information on Arctic change and its global implications, including thawing permafrost, sea level rise, the Arctic’s influence on global oceans and weather. The report is online.